Compare revision #4 with #5 for "The Strokes - Reptilia"

The song is written in the key
## Techniques
-The song is based on [[double stops]], [[chord]] strumming and single-note riffs.
+The song is based on [[double stops]], [[chord]] strumming, and single-note riffs. Note, that some double stops aren't played on adjacent strings, so you should [[dead note|mute]] the strings between them.
### Song breakdown
The song has the following [[Song structure|structure]]:
**[[Intro]] - [[Verse]] 1 - [[Pre-chorus]] 1 - [[Interlude]] 1 - [[Chorus (song part)|Chorus]] 1 - [[Solo]] - [[Verse]] 2 - [[Pre-chorus]] 2 - [[Interlude]] 2 - [[Chorus (song part)|Chorus]] 2 - [[Outro]]**
+The [[intro]] of the song starts with a bass line supported by guitar [[volume swell|volume swells]]. Then both guitars come in, Albert plays a [[double stops]] variation of the main riff, Nick strums [[chord|chords]].
+The first [[verse]] starts with a single-note variation of the main riff, solely performed by Albert Hammond, while Nick and Nikolai stay silent, then bass line starts again.
+In [[pre-chorus|pre-choruses]], Albert and Nick play patterns used in the intro.
+A notable feature of this song is [[interlude|interludes]] between the [[pre-chorus|pre-choruses]] and [[chorus (song part)|choruses]], which is played by Nick Valenti, using [[double stops]] with [[slide (technique)|slides]].
+In the [[chorus (song part)|chorus]], Albert Hammond plays a single-note riff, which requires good hand-stretching. Nick continues his riff from the interlude.
+The [[solo]] is performed by Nick Valenti. Opening and closing parts of this solo are rather simple comparing to the middle part, which is played in fast tempo, involves [[bends]], [[releases]], [[pull-offs]] and ends on [[vibrato]]. Albert simply strums [[chord|chords]] during the whole solo.
+The second [[verse]] differs from the first one, as it's played with Nick Valenti's [[palm-muted]] [[power chord|power chords]].
+The [[outro]] of the song resembles the [[intro]], but after the [[volume swell]], the song abruptly ends with a single strum.
## Recommended lessons
### Guitar cover