Compare revision #7 with #8 for "Hoobastank - The Reason"

Brett Simon directed the official video for the song.
In the video, the band members organize an accident for the theft of a ruby gem from a pawnshop. The video ends with the band admiring their new acquisition, but then they hear police sirens from above, and the video fades out.
-The official video for "Same Direction" extends this storyline revealing the details of the band member's roles.
+[The official video for "Same Direction"]( extends this storyline revealing the details of the band member's roles.
"The Reason" won the MTV Video Music Awards Japan for best rock video in 2005.
### Guitars
#### Daniel Estrin
-[[Daniel Estrin]] used several **Paul Reed Smith PRS Custom 24** guitars in various colors. The orange one appears in the official video for the song.
+[[Daniel Estrin]] used several **[PRS Custom 24](** guitars in various colors. The orange one appears in the official video for the song.
#### Markku Lappalainen
### Amps and effects
#### Daniel Estrin
-Dan Estrin is an endorser of Mesa/Boogie amps. He is stated as the user of **Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Amplifier Head** and **Rectifier Cabinets 4x12**. These amps appear in the official video.
+Dan Estrin is an endorser of Mesa/Boogie amps. He is stated as the user of **[Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Amplifier Head](** and **Rectifier Cabinets 4x12**. These amps appear in the official video.
*Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Head*
The song is written in the key of E major.
## Techniques
-Basically, guitar parts of the song consist of arpeggios in the [[intro]] and [[verse|verses]], while choruses are based on power chords. Also, a notable feature of the song is the use of several guitar overdubs.
+Guitar parts of the song consist of arpeggios in the [[intro]] and [[verse|verses]], while [[chorus (song part)|choruses]] are based on [[power chord|power chords]]. Also, a notable feature of the song is the use of several guitar overdubs.
### Song breakdown
The song has the following [[Song structure|structure]]:
**[[Intro]] - [[Verse]] 1 - [[Chorus (song part)|Chorus]] 1 - [[Verse]] 2 - [[Chorus (song part)|Chorus]] 2 - [[Bridge (song part)|Bridge]] - [[Verse]] 3 - [[Chorus (song part)|Chorus]] 3 - [[Outro]]**
+The [[intro]] starts with the piano line, then drums come in and after that, the main guitar riff begins. The bass line starts right before the first verse.
+The main arpeggio riff continues through the [[verse|verses]]. At the end of each verse, there is a guitar overdub, which is played as a long [[trill]]. In the second verse, the string instrumentation starts, reaching its peak in the [[bridge (song part)|bridge]].
+In [[chorus (song part)|choruses]], there are two guitar overdubs besides the main guitar part. The main guitar part (which always performed live by Daniel Estrin) consists of [[power chord|power chords]]. One of the overdubs presents overdriven single notes, while the other one is an acoustic guitar part, which consists of [[chord|chords]].
+The [[bridge (song part)|bridge]] and the [[outro]] of the song is essentially a variation of the chorus, so they are presented with the same guitar techniques.
## Recommended lessons
### Guitar lesson